Author: Jan Campbell – 24/07/2020
To create an image of the upcoming covid-19 era one needs to understand the less known sides of the importance of the influence of language, psychology, creativity, the management of stress on a human as a part of the biosphere. The advocated 3E approach – ecology, efficiency and economy in thinking, speaking and acting involves also the process of human self-reflection: the ability to take a break, exercise introspection and the willingness to learn more about the fundamentals, purpose and essence. It’s obvious that it cannot be separated from studies of the philosophy of consciousness, awareness and the mind, to name a few.
By being able to integrate science, education, business and politics the solving of the main economic challenges in the world would become realistic as it could or even would lead to a dialog between the quantum development in technologies, the preservation of life and science driven economy. Solving the two opposing notions of individual interests, and the opposite sublime would enable the design of a new monetary – financial, political and social – cultural order. This could / would lead to the appearance of process comprising holistic knowledge and understanding the Planet as a cosmic ship. Such a ship cannot be managed and maintained by corrupted people. Last but not least new management processes would appear in which properly defined historical methods, peculiarities of individual and public life would be assimilated. Unfortunately, all this would not happen any time soon. Why?
The document “Something to think about” deals with issues related to China and allows answer the question – Why? The document stands for a part of an extensive introduction dealing with some aspects of consequences caused by the loss of trust, linear technical and technological developments in the world and challenges which the key competing powers USA, PRC and RF face in the context of measures taken by states in connection with covid-19. It seems that the resulting changes lead to a new interim technical – technological society governed by technocrats, selected scientists and bureaucrats, in which the solidarity, social policy, justice and empathy would represent secondary values only.
No doubt, the covid-19 opened a totally new build road to the need understand better what has been really happening with us, with our globalized society, with our technical and technological ambitions including the wide use of AI. Already at the beginning of the road to covid-19 era we can see some of the malign effects of the technological developments, of the vulnerability of human civilization, of the globalization and the barbarism within it. Last but not least, also the unpredictability of the future of the current system and the human being.
As we cannot predict the future but can only imagine it, it is worth to return to philosophy, arts and science – fictions with its language, phantasy and inspirations usually taken from utopian and dystopian romans. They explore social and political structures. Some works combine both genres, utopian and dystopian, often as a metaphor for the different directions humanity can take depending on its choices. This introduction offers for consideration and further study the document “Something to think about” and following four examples: Story from China, Vernadsky´s concept, English science fiction and Annual report BIS 2019/20 from the Bank for International Settlements which celebrates this year its 90th anniversary since it was established on 30 January 1930.
Continue reading, please download the Analytical Dossier AD_16_2020 ISSN 2704-6419

Jan Campbell (1946) – studied construction engineering, architecture and philosophy; post-gradually also biocybernetics, Islamic banking and insurance. Professionally he was active during mid and long term in several countries including Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Malaysia, ex-USSR, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Czech Republic and Germany, of which he is a citizen. Professional activities and experiences allowed to accept positions like a Head of EC Co-ordinating for TACIS programme, personal advisor to PM and analyst of political – economic risks including issues of Science diplomacy and work designated for narrow professional and public audiences, including university students. He obtained an honorary professor’s degree at the Ural State Agrarian University. In Slovakia he was awarded the Golden Biatec for 2014 for humanizing society through publishing about the development and solutions of civilizational problems and global priorities.