Author: Giulia De Rossi – 17/04/2020
Humans are born to explore. Curiosity has led human beings to explore every part of the world, discovering its deepest secrets and understanding how life works on Earth. While becoming more aware of their existence, people started to question themselves about how to improve life on Earth. From this particular point of view, knowledge brings to progress, and progress brings to the development of technology, which has accompanied humans in their evolution since the beginning of the first discoveries and inventions.
After the Second World War, the world equilibrium has been established, supervised and held by the two main global players: the United States of America and the Soviet Union. At first, the challenges that involved them were about geopolitical topics as well as economic ones. They started to move more in a technopolitical way as soon as technology has become always more sophisticated till becoming until our days, to be the most important protagonist for the future progress of each single State, as well as for humanity.
The peak has been reached in 1961 when Jurij Alekseevič Gagarin concluded successfully his mission, becoming the first man who flew into space. Thereon arrived Kennedy’s answer, who decided to up the ante, sending in the next decades the first man on the moon.
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Giulia De Rossi, UnInt – Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma