Author: Emanuel Pietrobon – 20/03/2021
The power of demography
Europe’s ethnic landscape is undergoing an epoch-making change as a result of the interconnection of a number of factors, most notably migratory phenomena, aging processes and the constant disparity among the birth rates of different ethnic groups co-living in the same territory.
Demography is often overlooked and not fully understood in international relations but future trends cannot be forecasted adequately without taking into account its world-overturning power. Indeed, demography is the foundational pillar of nations and civilizations: they cannot hope to resist the force of history – or the enemy’s army – if their baby cots are empty. Positive demography is also tied to positive economic growth – because automation will prove helpful up to a certain point – but also to welfare sustainability. In short, a nation’s fertility rate must be high enough to make the generation replacement possible (2,1 children per woman).
Last but not least, history teaches and shows us that demography can be weaponised to the detriment of low fertility-stricken countries. This is no political fiction: let’s only bear in mind the forgotten case of the Texas revolution. The former Mexican province was conquered by means of demography, namely through a silent ethnic colonization which over the years would lead Americans to overcome Mexicans.
Continue reading, please download the Analytical Dossier AD_11_2021 ISSN 2704-6419

The author: Emanuel Pietrobon, University of Turin (Italy)
Other articles by Emanuel Pietrobon published in Vision & Global Trends. International Institute for Global Analyses’ website:
- Psyops in an Ever-Changing World: Brainwashing People Through Social Networks
- Psyops in an Ever-Changing World: The Power of Music
- Crimean War: 2020 Edition
- Psyops in an Ever-changing World: The Age of Influencers
- Macron’s Eurasian Dreams and the Shadow of Mackinder
- Vision & Global Trends presence at Latin American conferenceChimerica: la ruptura inevitable
- The Forever Containment
- ChinAmerica: the Inevitable Split
- Multilateralism and ideology: the keystones for the transition to multipolarism
- A Dilemma Called Gagauzia
- The slow decline of Catholicism in Latin America
- Does the future of Ukraine speak Turkish?
- What is the future of Belarus?
- The curious case of Trinidad and Tobago’s Black Muslims
- The curious case of Mexico’s Mayan Radical Muslims
- Is the war on Russian language a war on Russia?
- Towards the birth of Roma states
- Why Russia should worry about Turkey’s mask diplomacy in the post-soviet space
- NATO’s dream after North Macedonia is to complete Russia’s encirclement
- The West has the key to make Russia blow up: Turkey
- There is a new a game-changer in the Balkans: Roma people.
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