Author: Jan Campbell – 02/12/2019
A human being is a combination of elements of the two Origins. Through the soul, the structure of the spiritual world, he can not only see the internal structure of the Universe, the connections that link all realities, but also learn and see the world in its mutual relations.
From this perspective, the boundary between truth and falsehood, between brightness and truthfulness, is always dangerously easy to cross. Life is as in Dostoevsky’s Devils: “The most difficult thing in life is to live and not lie and not believe one’s own lies.” Or as in Crime and Punishment: “Everything depends on the environment and circumstances. The environment is everything, and the man is nothing”.
Undoubtedly, the conference is dedicated to a pressing matter. It takes place in Prague a few days after the 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall in Germany (9.11), after the conference on freedom of the media in the Russian Federation and the OSCE area (6.11) and after the AI conference (Artificial Intelligence Journey 2019 – 8-9.11) which took place in Moscow. The place and themes of the conferences make us recall the symbolism.
The symbolism in the context of the conference is the fact that Prague is the centre of all possible myths and concerns about freedom, democracy, rights without responsibility and their enemies. This atmosphere was created at the instigation of Franz Kafka. It‘s very difficult for those who think clearly to engage in dialogue, especially with the generations of Y, Z and even snowflakes. And that is why the aforementioned events in Germany and Moscow did not receive adequate coverage in the Czech Republic. There are other reasons. And what reasons?
The Czech media, like many others, are living primarily through the myths related to the events of November 17, 1989, that are coming from Anti-Russian sentiments, xenophobia, and Western news copying. Contextual, fact-based analyses of what is happening in the world don’t concern the official media. The fact that the organizers of this conference can’t be identified as the advocates of the Russian presidential policy is not sufficient enough for the active participation of Czech journalists and media. Is there a way out of this situation?
Young generations, including the journalists and media, will live in another world, if they are fortunate enough. The range of practical challenges they face in ensuring the safety of the planet will be much broader than they imagine and then the content of the report presents. The younger generation must be well prepared for this now.
The Universal Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities (UDHDR) was declared in 1998. Unfortunately, the international community, and most of all its leadership, global elites [1,2,3], don’t complicate themselves with responsibilities to mankind and the planet. They are performing their duties to Mammon. The concerned public can be given specific official facts, but the general public has little or no familiarity with them. And those who are familiar with literature may recall the Black Monk, by A.P. Chekhov, first published in the journal Artist in 1894.
There is no doubt that most attendees are aware of the state of affairs that should be discussed. At the same time, I want to believe that none of the participants believe in absolute freedom and security and that the world was created by a human, by default an imperfect being. What is there to tell?
There is no doubt that the world situation is deteriorating. This is a daily story in mediaб and people know or feel it. There are no simple solutions. Where is the way out? All of humanity’s woes ultimately stem from the fragmentation of human knowledge. The fragmentation has been helped by the division of mathematics into discrete and not discrete. Not only are natural sciences and theology separated, but each of these branches of knowledge has been further divided, and the process is escalating.
The result is a disastrous division and misunderstanding between people, hostility, violence, drug addiction, extremism, including fashionable genderism, and it happens on every social level. The absence of a unifying idea in society is manifested in all spheres of life and at all levels. Private interests are ripping the world apart.
At the G20 meeting in Osaka, an attempt was made to improve the world situation through economic measures, with the knowledge that so far in human history no problem has been and cannot be solved by economic methods. It’s impossible to merge the interests of all countries in one single area. The way out of this situation is in the fulfilment of Human Being’s main duty: Development and application of the Unified knowledge on the basis of anthropo-geocosmic formation in the system of Human – Earth – Universe.
As a result of the absence of the Unified Knowledge, there has been an unprecedented increase in tension, instability and distrust at the interstate, interconfessional and international levels. It’s clear to all reasonable people that the future can’t be predicted or anticipated. We can only imagine the future. Contradictions and paradigms between wealth and poverty, authority and people, dependence on IT and different kinds of apps, as well as old and new diseases, including the adoption of foreign language as a lingua franca, created challenges that were formulated in the global study called Modern Apocalypse [4].
If a human was able to study the principles of quantum mathematics and mechanics and recognize that with its help on the basis of logic and reason it is possible to analyse without interpretation of religious issues, social problems and madness of globalists and neoliberals, then it would be possible to declare evidently that, for example, there is no fake news. Why? That’s because everything that could happen is already happening somewhere. The fact that it doesn’t happen to us, or that everyone in the world doesn’t notice it, doesn’t mean anything.
Getting the archive documents doesn’t mean much either. Why? Everywhere in the world, some documents are subject to falsification or similar manipulation. The problem is that it’s impossible for an outsider to know which part of the archive or which documents were falsified or manipulated. Therefore, getting these documents isn’t the same as getting closer to the truth.
Cryptocracy also prevents us from getting to the truth. It uses the power of finance, emotion and human imperfection. Cryptocracy manipulates activists, and later the whole society, with the help of myths and emotions as benevolent tools of so-called soft power. Not only cryptocracy uses the society, which is already on the way back to dysfunction, but also the scientists, who use it in their own and even someone else’s interests.
Here is an example: a coryphean philologist, Hasan Huseynov, professor at the Moscow Higher School of Economics, recently allowed himself to label the Russian language as impoverished and foul. He doesn’t want to apologize, because according to his assessment there is no one to apologize to, if people don’t know how to read, if they don’t understand the point. The professor complained that it’s impossible to find anything like this in other languages, except for the miserable and foul Russian that the country speaks and writes in. He’s right about something, and he’s close to reality. But the problem is related to the elite and consists in the destruction of the education system, the adoption of non-organic reforms by the liberals, and last, but not least, in correspondence and not mentioning history. After all, the Russian elite once accepted French as a lingua franca. Many people know how it all ended. Today, the Russian Federation has adopted English as a lingua franca. It’s easy to imagine how this historical episode will end. There is no need to fantasize. At a recent meeting, President Putin himself spoke clearly on this topic.
If humans are able to develop experience and knowledge, and they include a quantum computer and AI in their lives, then they need to deal with human weaknesses, imperfections and limitations. Last but not least, they need to think about morals and ethics. So, it’s very important for journalists to have inner moral limits. Why?
There is a direct link between quantum computers capable of handling large data and AI. Any neural network searches for patterns that allow it to determine, for example, what is shown in the picture. Recently, researchers at Google said that they have created a quantum device called Sycamore. The computing speed of the device is 100 million times faster than that of ordinary computers. In practice, this means that we are dealing with quantum supremacy. It leads us to the superintelligence (SI) or the brain-matrix. It’s a type of Dyson’s sphere (an astro-engineering structure built around a star) that uses all the energy of the star for calculations. Quantum technologies will make it possible to create a compact machine with AI at levels smarter than humans. Therefore, we are talking about superintelligence (SI).
Even if the SI can be completely isolated using only the most basic communication channels, there are no guarantees. Therefore, it’s necessary to assume that it is impossible to contain the SI.
Here is a question: why are we trying to create SI, if already in 1936 English mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954) proved that this problem can’t be solved with the help of algorithms? This was confirmed by a group of scientists from the USA, Australia and Spain in 2016. The problem of SI containment is unsolvable. Why?
To prove whether a task is unsolvable, it’s usually reduced to a shutdown problem. If you can find an algorithm to solve the shutdown problem for a new task (which is a contradiction, because this problem is unsolvable), it means that it also has no solution.
The containment problem consists of two separate tasks. The first one is called the harm problem. The second task is the control problem. This function launches the first one when it’s known for certain that there will be no harm done in the end. Here we should mention George Boole (1815-1864) who formulated the questions, laws of thinking and logic. They created the basis for the processor production in the 20th century; they serve today for research and development with the use of AI, digitalization, etc. Boole was concerned not only with absolute evil (which doesn’t exist), but also with social distress as a mathematical and logical task. Then where is happiness?
But everybody’s out there looking for a happy life, and what happens then? The disparity between demands and opportunities causes a lot of different problems. Official media outlets are losing the trust of readers and advertisers. The alternative media are trying to replace them. Traditional diplomacy is passing on the periphery of society and is being controlled not by professionals, but the young generations Y and Z that don’t have any experience, and today there’s already a snowflake generation (born in 2005 and later). However, the money doesn’t bring any happiness to wealthy people either. I suggest you remember the fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin about the Fisherman and the Fish.
The final result is a gloomy picture: whether a person will give the AI the opportunity to have its own emotions and identity, it can’t be ruled out that the AI won’t consider the human being as an equal partner in its intentions or plans. Most of today’s journalists and media can’t compete with the AI, even at its current levels. At best, a small number of people will become slaves of the AI and most will become human garbage in a modern landfill. Countries that don’t understand that the interests of sovereign states and powers will be protected by the army; states with or without limited autonomy in such a situation should be aware of the need to have a dialogue with a neighbor rather than relying on a distant ally or relative. Dialogue is fundamentally different from discussion.
In this regard, I recall the statement of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov of November 6 this year. The Minister reminds us, among other things, that today there is a situation in which a number of countries, including those openly declaring themselves to be exemplary democracies, are grossly violating the OSCE obligations to ensure media freedom, freedom of speech and equal access to information… We are going to follow the golden principle of the OSCE – the principle of consensus. There is a question: how would the Minister like to implement the principle of consensus against the backdrop of the statement by the elected head of the EC, Ms. von der Leyen, who even before holding her post, urged the EU and the media to learn to speak the language of force?
I recall that the Minister is a member of the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI) and stated his conclusion that transparency ends where political convenience begins. The Minister referred to the actions of Reporters Without Borders in proposing media whitelists and other similar initiatives. Such initiatives, with the support of hypocrisy, are presented as last resort truths. Whoever is interested in this topic can study the problems of media legislation in France. A law has been passed there that allows for the revocation of a license within 48 hours by a single judge, without any substantive proceedings and without any debate between the plaintiff and the defendant.
I would like to recall President Putin’s recommendation. At the opening of the conference in Moscow on the topic of AI on November 8, he said: “We need to develop ethical rules of interaction with AI.”
Of course, there is no doubt that the media will continue to act in the interests of state or private owners in the foreseeable future. The myths, emotions and all the tools of modern propaganda will be used for it. Therefore, objective information from the media can only be expected by a non-informed person who is dependent on consumerism and entertainment, i.e. not a free person.
It’s better not to talk about corrupted self-regulation of the media. There is no need to talk about state regulation, which is also created by an imperfect human being. There is an example of a solution in Belarus. This year the Doctrine of Information Security was introduced there [5]. The notions of information neutrality and informational independence are the novelties in this concept. This is a legal stipulation that the informational space of Belarus will not be used either by Belarus itself or by other countries for information attacks on other states. In my opinion, this is a unique standard. It remains in the legislation and is promoted by representatives of the authorities of the Republic of Belarus at international platforms, both the UN and the CIS. The developed norm is at the stage of accepting the CIS information security concept, like in other countries. What is the next step?
When the laws of today’s turbulent world don’t allow us to determine the outcome of a big war, which no one wants but which, taking into account robots and AI, can’t be excluded, a reasonable person should take into account the facts. For example: there is no trust, no control over technological development, no fair competition. But at the same time, a person is born to communicate with others, is able to manage complex processes and create alternative solutions and protect himself.
Here is a question: how can this be done without trust and knowing that historically problems haven’t been successfully solved by economic methods? That history isn’t aware of a long time of victory without wars. That men’s and women’s principles of state and cultural structures will continue to be at war in the future, just as they are in every marriage, or in modern gender partnerships.
With the worsening world situation created by Endkampf in one of the phases of life’s development on the Planet, the last battle allows you to remember the past and how it’s not just about loving something, or about showing affection for something (for example, wisdom), but about loving something at the same time on all three levels – natural, relative and spiritual – and giving birth to something new. Just be a kind person. This is true wisdom. “The greatest and most valuable feature of Russian culture was its power and kindness, which is always included in a powerful, truly powerful beginning.” (D. Likhachev – Native Land). Politicians and the media will have to learn that only dialogue and the ability to create alternative solutions can show a way out of the dead end in which we find ourselves in.
A reasonable person can see that all elections are perceived by voters as a model of voting for or against power, not as an attempt at change. People on the way to retardation don’t understand the cause-and-effect connection; they don’t trust politicians, mass media and authorities. Later, uncontrolled automation of society and chaos arise. And nobody is taught to control them in universities.
Therefore, the possible role of the mass media and new political groups in the foreseeable future can be indicated by the fact that it points to an objective threat that’s based on the knowledge, facts, history and science of various kinds. What doesn’t need for its function to gather any members, like-minded people or saboteurs in one place, and is seen from a far – a BEACON.
All the responsibilities of the media, journalists and the individual that we face derive from the primary responsibility of the human being: the Discovery of the world, the preservation and rescue of the Planet Earth spacecraft. Nowadays, many people talk about, and earn money from, climate change, global warming, and even waste management. But they don’t provide a solution to a multidimensional security problem, not just the Planet. Why? It’s because we have to solve a wide range of problems: from environmental and technological safety, medicine, and so on, to education. Such a solution requires time, courage and also creative and clear thinking.
In this context, the media can and absolutely should play an active and important educational role. The media, like a beacon, demand both an old and new type of professionals who have the necessary means to avoid an accident. All this knowledge represents the Unified Knowledge. It makes it clear that the Planet is equal to a spaceship. There aren’t many people who can control and maintain it. Candidate selection is strict, and is devoid of either emotion or corruption.
Nowadays the media have to start acting on their own accord according to the rules of human rights, duties and happiness. Otherwise, they will continue to be used as servants, slaves or prostitutes. This is life without happiness.
Knowledge and facts place special duties and responsibilities on us for the protection of the Planet. Without this, there can be no way forward. This begs the question: what is our true right? The answer is that our main right given by Cosmos, or by God, is the right to a happy life.
This is proved by quantum mathematics and mechanics. This is stated in the epistle of Luke 10:29: “Here the word ‘love‘ is to be understood as ‘know‘!” Non-believers can learn in the book by the author Romashov A.N. “On the knowledge of the world” that the knowledge of the world is the main task and commitment of Mankind [6,7]. Or that V.G.Korolenko has written: “Man is born for happiness as a bird is born to fly.” Each right includes a duty. Today’s irresponsibility, hypocrisy and mythical priority over truthful information have no future. Everything that happens will happen regardless of our anxiety. Consent is not required.
1. The Significance of Human Duties and Responsibilities By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar Global Research, December 09, 2018
2. Global Elites, Crisis of Humanity and ‘Facing the Juggernaut’ By Michael Welch and Peter Phillips Global Research, June 11, 2019
3. Who Rules the World? Bilderberg 2019 and the Global Power Elite By Michael Welch, Dan Dicks, and Peter Phillips Global Research, June 07, 2019
4. Modern Apocalypse. The Human Condition By Jim Miles Global Research, June 06, 2019
6. Ромашов А.Н. О познании мира. Москва, 1998 (на русском)
7. Ромашов А.Н. В поисках ответа на вечные вопросы. Москва, 2000 (на русском).
The above text constitues the presentation of Dr Jan Campbell at the panel “IT and communication technologies in the context of media” – II Free Media Forum , Prague – November 20-22

Brief biography
Jan Campbell, born in 1946, studied civil engineering – architecture, philosophy and upon completion of his education received the title of Candidate of Engineering Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy. In addition, he studied Human Design Engineering and NLP in the USA, biocybernetics in Russia (under the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academicians Kaznacheev and Shtark), and Islamic Finance and Insurance in London. For a long time he has worked in many countries, including Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Malaysia, the USSR, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, of which he is a citizen.
His professional activity and experience are reflected in the works intended for a narrow or closed professional circle in the private, public (former USSR and after 1991 Kyrgyzstan) and international sector (EC, Head of TACIS CB), as well as for the general public.
At present, he continues to work as an analyst and commentator on world events. In addition, he teaches master classes on Systemic, Intensive Development of Individual Abilities, Development of Strategy and Tactics of International Negotiations and Planning and Management of Extreme Situations.
In Russia, he received the honorary title of professor at Ural State University of Architecture and Engineering in Yekaterinburg and is a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In Slovakia, he was awarded the Biatec Gold Medal in 2014 for his services to the humanization of society in journalism and for his coverage of contemporary problems and challenges of globalization.