Author: Anis H.Bajrektarević - 20/08/2019 Does our history only appear overheated, while it is essentially calmly predetermined? Is it directional …
Continue Reading infoHong Kong protests: Is China a gamechanger or yet another winner?
Author: Anis H.Bajrektarević - 20/08/2019 Does our history only appear overheated, while it is essentially calmly predetermined? Is it directional …
Continue Reading infoHong Kong protests: Is China a gamechanger or yet another winner?
Author: Vinod Saighal - 19/08/2019 Pakistan violated the 1948 UNSC resolution early on when it unilaterally ceded a portion of the Northern …
Continue Reading infoDid China act hastily in India-Pak row over J&K?
Author: Calistrat M. Atudorei - 19/08/2019 The United States became a militarized state, a perpetual war machine, fundamentally oriented towards …
Prof. Anis Bajrektarevic, Head of department for Strategic Studies on Asia of the International Istitute IFIMES. Vienna - Austria. "Treaty of …
Lic. Carlos Pereira Mele Director Dossier Geopolitico Martes 20 de Agosto, a las 14 HS, Aula 19 C, UNVM CAMPUS. Organiza estudiantes de ciencia …
Continue Reading infoGeopolitica: El Mundo euro asiático en el siglo XXI
Author: Iurie Roșca - 18/08/2019 Preface to the English version of the book “America’s plans for world hegemony” by Calistrat M. Atudorei to be …