Author: Vision & Global Trends - 28/09/2020 The International University for Peace – Rome presents three new courses for Entrepreneurs and …
Continue Reading infoUPEACE-Rome presents new courses for Entrepreneurs and Managers
Author: Vision & Global Trends - 28/09/2020 The International University for Peace – Rome presents three new courses for Entrepreneurs and …
Continue Reading infoUPEACE-Rome presents new courses for Entrepreneurs and Managers
Author: Maurizio Vezzosi - 28/09/2020 The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most important sea spaces in the world, due to its routes and to the …
Continue Reading infoRome: crossroad between Washington, Beijing and Moscow
Autore: Vladimir Prokhvatilov - 24/09/2020 L’organizzazione per i diritti umani “Afrin-Siria” riferisce che militari turchi in Siria reclutano …
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Autor: Carlos Pereyra Mele - 24/09/2020 Desde el 2005, sostengo, que el fin de 500 años de dominio occidental están tocando a su fin y que ese …
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Autore: Gianni Caridi - 20/09/2020 “Se vogliamo che tutto rimanga come è, bisogna che tutto cambi” Probabilmente quando Giuseppe Tomasi di …
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Author: Alberto Cossu - 19/09/2020 Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain signed an agreement a few days ago, which intends to …
Continue Reading infoIsrael, UAE and Bahrain agreement: a geopolitical earthquake?