Autore: Sofia Basile - 14/01/2021 Le ultime generazioni sono state sottoposte ad una grande sfida che ha ufficialmente distrutto quell’immagine di …
Continue Reading infoLa pandemia e l’importanza di un’Italia rurale
Autore: Sofia Basile - 14/01/2021 Le ultime generazioni sono state sottoposte ad una grande sfida che ha ufficialmente distrutto quell’immagine di …
Continue Reading infoLa pandemia e l’importanza di un’Italia rurale
Author: Emanuel Pietrobon - 14/01/2021 The recent happenings in the United States have contributed to revive the debate about free speech in the …
Continue Reading infoPsyops in an Ever-Changing World: Brainwashing People Through Social Networks
Author: Vision & Global Trends - 11/01/2021 Vision & Global Trends- Institute for Global Analyses is proud to announce that His Excellency …
Author: Mario Ramon Duarte - 26/12/2020 A few days are left to culminate this year 2020, which is doubtlessly atypical in the history of humanity, …
Continue Reading infoUN 75 years: Technology as the new articulator shaft for Peace in the World
Author: Emanuel Pietrobon - 20/12/20 Music is the tool people tend to resort to when they feel specific emotions and experience some states of …
Continue Reading infoPsyops in an Ever-Changing World: The Power of Music
Autore: Alessandro Frandi - 14/12/2020 The epistemological status and the dimension of the scientificity of politics has been the subject of a …