Author: Mario Ramon Duarte - 15/10/2023 On september 20th and 21st of this year, the promoted “V World Summit for Peace” it was held, organized …
Via della seta: Lopreiato (m5s), superare le difficoltà del momento mantenendo un dialogo serrato
Autore: Alberto Ortis- 02/10/2023 Via della seta: Lopreiato (m5s), superare le difficoltà del momento mantenendo un dialogo serrato Confronto al …
Wirtschaftskurs des gerechten Kasachstan
Autor: Jan Campbell - 20/09/2023 Vorwort Am 19. März fanden in Kasachstan vorgezogene Wahlen der Abgeordneten der Mazhilis des Parlaments der …
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La geopolitica anglosassone. Dalle origini ai nostri giorni
Autore: Marco Centaro - 15/09/2023 LA GEOPOLITICA ANGLOSASSONE Dalle origini ai nostri giorni Recensione di Marco Centaro La …
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India gives a helping hand to the West at the G20 summit
Author: Alberto Cossu - 11/09/2023 India gives a helping hand to the West at the G20 summit By Alberto Cossu September 10, 2023 The G20 …
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Russia new steps to the East: the 8th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok
Author: Fabrizio Vielmini - 05/09/2023 Following the Saint Petersburg and the African Forums earlier this year, Russian public diplomacy is …
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