Author: Walter Schwimmer - 25/01/2019 Many people are concerned about the state of Europe that is at a crossroads. The Europeans have to decide …
Il popolo venezuelano: dal dilemma alla tragedia
Autore: Livio Zanotti - 24/01/2019 I morti sono caduti nella notte, quando già sembrava che al caos politico e delle istituzioni fosse stato almeno …
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Political Landscape of Europe. The Spectre of Geopolitical Solitude
Author: Alexey Gromyko - 23/01/2019 Perceptions of the main challenges to the stability of the conventional state of the world are changing as …
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For a New Alliance among European Countries
Author: Côme Carpentier de Gourdon - 21/01/2019 The dream of a united and presumably federal Europe goes back very far into history and found its …
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What Kind of Europe Does Russia Need?
Author: Andrey Kortunov - 19/01/2019 Today, many in the European Union are convinced that Russia is highly interested in the failure of the …
Antartide, un laboratorio sotto i ghiacci marini per studiare i cambiamenti climatici
Autore: Comunicato ENEA - 17/01/2019 Un laboratorio a 25,5 metri di profondità nelle acque gelide del Mare di Ross in Antartide per studiare i …