Author: Fabrizio Vielmini – 01/12/2023
How long still European countries can tolerate to be involved in a war that their governments contributed to create and escalate and whose effects are having a increasing impact on their internal stability and economic well being?
Italy is a telling test case for what the prestigious “the Economist” has termed the main new enemy of Ukraine: Western war fatigue[1]. Some weeks ago, a scandal erupted in Rome when premier Meloni was hacked on a fake telephone conversation where, thinking to discuss with a foreign diplomat, she revealed that all her European colleagues are tired of the burden of Ukrainian war and that the EU on the whole is “near to the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out”. The Hungarian political leadership has stated explicitly that the Western strategy in Ukraine has been a failure, and that the West should pursue a ceasefire and peace talks. In addition, to stop the Ukrainian military folly has been one of the main points of the program leading Robert Fico to win the premiership of Slovakia[2]. On 26 October, Bratislava has officially notified to Brussel that it will stop military assistance to Kiev.
But if Rober Fico demonstrated being a politician of honor respecting the engagements he took with his electors, the opposite is true with the ruling Italian élite. Some years ago, Giorgia Meloni was also denouncing the suicidal line chosen by euro-bureaucrats in Brussels but when she entered the halls of power that went forgotten. In addition, what Meloni stated to her imaginary interlocutor was nothing more of the position of the pacifist movement: the Ukraine cannot win over Russia by military means so that the resolution of the conflict should happen through negotiations. Apart from the pacifists, this point has been articulated by several commentators and analysts who, because of their wise assessment were attacked by the mainstream media which labeled them “Putinites” and enemies of democracy. After that phone call, President Meloni should have explained how she can privately consider “common sense” what is branded in public as collaboration with the enemy[3]. It is a matter of fact that Kiev will not restore its national integrity, but this is the price that the Ukrainian government should pay for having refused the proposal of peace made by Russian one month after the start of hostilities last year.
As this is becoming the only possible outcome of the Ukrainian tragedy, with a huge damage to NATO and the overall position of the USA in the world, panic is spreading among the Anglo-Saxon think-tanks and their warmonger Eastern European lackeys. These stances have only one proposal: the stubborn prolongation of the mass killings of the Ukrainian youth for the sake of Western capitals interest in the Ukraine[4].
In the meantime, all economic indicators of life in Europe are worsening, with the continent’s powerhouse, Germany, set on the way of recession and de-industrialization[5]. In addition to the worsening economy and the stress of the national élite, there is the fatigue of the mass of the population of the EU countries where Ukrainian refugees have concentrated. In places like the Check republic and even Poland, the burden of maintenance of the refugees falls on ordinary citizens, whose taxes are used to cover accommodation and allowances. Many lament the arrogant and disdainful attitude that a number of Ukrainian refugees display towards the hosting communities, a perception that they consider that everything is due to them, together with a lack of will to integrate into the societies and find employment. As a corollary of all these disgraces, Europeans are becoming aware of how the Ukraine, behind the propaganda portraying it as a “brave, freedom loving country striving to live in Europe” is a traditional hotbed of mafia and criminality, the whole embedded in the most corrupt and failing legal system of the northern hemisphere[6]. relevant on the continental scale for plagues like human trafficking, illegal smuggling of weapons (including those sent from Europe, as V&G trends already discussed[7]). Accordingly, the arrival of these unwanted guests resulted in a growth of criminality with an additional impact on the internal stability of the European Union.
The European fatigue rests also on uncertainties of the future. Being now clear that Kiev will lose, how the situation will evolve further? There are expectations that the Ukrainian space will turn into a permanent source of instability as the Southern shore of the Mediterranean has become in the last decade.
The whole situation lead to the issue of how the European ruling circles outside Hungary and Slovakia have grown unresponsive towards their public opinions. The situation of the support for Ukraine is just one of the examples, the same can be said with the enforcement of harmful experimental vaccinations during the COVID crisis. A real democratic society is on the opposite based on the actions of leaders who react to the expectations of their own citizens. Currently, Europe has moved away from this principle, and the opinion of the authorities and the people on the issue of support for the prolongation of the war in Ukraine is clearly divided
The main question now is: are there forces in Italian society ready and able to question the current government on the meaning and the consequences of continuing the support to Zelensky’s Ukraine? Can the Italian civil society tolerate that its country contributes to mass killings against the word of the national Constitution? Even more when the regime conducting this senseless bloody war is supported by forces bearing the hallmarks of fascism. The fact that all of this is not perceived as an issue by the Italian society, is clearly a proof of the condition of the national media environment, hostage to an information policy biased as simply translated from European and American media. All across the European information spaces, one can easily detect the use of manipulative information technologies and the use of double standards. Journalists who try to show an alternative point of view on the Ukrainian war and more recently the Israeli repressions in Palestine are professionally boycotted and marginalized. Only a few of them have the opportunity to safely voice their point of view to the European audience.
At the end of the day everything boils down to the question of how deep countries like Italy and Germany are under administration by supranational powers reporting to London and Washington.
[1] The London-based paper is owned, let’s recall it, by the main Italian capitalist holding, the Elkann family, heir of FIAT industries. Ukraine’s new enemy: war fatigue in the West, 27.11.2023
[2] These observations were made with horror by Ian Bond a former British diplomat with 28 years of service for the British crown who then became deputy director of the “Centre for European Reform”. Ukraine Fatigue: Bad For Kyiv, Bad For The West, Policy Brief, 21.11.20235
[3] G. Cavalli, Vogliamo parlare di cosa Meloni ha detto nella telefonata-fake?, 04.11.2023
[4] A typical example of this discourse on the neo-con “Jamestown Foundation” is V. Socor, Peace Unattainable Without Victory in Ukraine, “Eurasia Daily Monitor” Vol. 20, n. 179, 20.11.2023
[5] B. Aris, The boomerang effect: sanctions hurt Europe more than Russia, Intellinews, 01.12.2023
[6] I. Muir, An Eastern-European cesspit of criminality & governmental corruption, “Monthly Review “, 06.11.2022
[7] F. Vielmini, The Boomerangs of European support to Ukraine: Weapons smuggling can become a major security problem for the future. V>, 23.02.2023