Author: Andrea Daidone – 27/05/2021
The present document consists of a process of synthesis and critical analysis, based on the current academic and institutional literature, to understand how the Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) have changed our way to trade and deal with others.
Starting by investigating how globalisation turned into regionalism, the purpose of this analysis consists of understanding how the EU employs PTAs and what importance it attaches to them. I scrutinise how the EU pursues its interests in international negotiations and spreads its norms and values abroad. To this end, I utilised the following bibliography.
On the institutional side, I considered the relevant documents of the European Parliament, the European Commission, the EU Council, and the World Bank. On the academic side, I started with the research of Sophie Meunier and Kalypso Nicolaïdis on the EU as a trade power. For the investigation of the trade-development nexus, I relied on Maurizio Carbone and Jan Orbie, while on the European approach towards FTAs, I leaned Stephen Woolcock.
Continue reading, please download the Analytical Dossier AD_20_2021 ISSN 2704-6419
Andrea Daidone – M.A. in European Affairs at the University of Bologna, Executive Assistant at the EU-China Business Association. Areas of specialization: global trade and economy, connectivity, innovation, and geo-economics.